Global ILN Locations

We have a worldwide network of partners hosting ILN networking business events including live-streaming from our London meetings. Participate and network with like-minded leaders from your country.

Use the sign up links to join free the network partner in your country to be notified of events local to you.

If your country isn’t represented, then consider becoming a partner and hosting events. Use the contact form to start discussions with us.

South Africa

If you live in South Africa, consider participating in a live-streamed event organised by our South African based partner and network with like-minded South African leaders.


If you live in The Gambia, you can join in a live-streamed event organised by our Gambian based partner and network with like-minded Gambian leaders.


If you live in Ghana, consider participating in a live-streamed event organised by our Ghanian based partner and network with like-minded Ghanian leaders.